srijeda, 30. srpnja 2014.

Dulces contra zombies(Plants vs zombies mod)

Welcome to the candy world, a new and colorful mod for Plants vs. Zombies. Plants and zombies changed their appearance, the green color disappeared completely.
Link of game to download :
Size of game to download : 52.03 MB
1 . Download file
2. extract folder where you want
3. enter  folder
4. click on plantsvszombies.exe  to enter game
5.90% is translated to english by me

Minimum System Requirements:
CPU:1.2GHz processor

512+MB of RAM

VGA:128MB of video memory, 16-bit or 32-bit color quality

DX:DirectX 8 or later

Windows 2000/XP/Vista

HDD:65+MB of free hard drive space

Sound:DirectX-compatible sound

Resolution:16-bit or 32-bit color quality

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